
Sledding On The Longest Toboggan Run In The World – Wildkogelbahn – Neukirchen Großvenediger – Salzachtal

Why can not admit it; I already feel a little tingling, as we squeeze around lunch time with the sled in his hand through the turnstile at the station. Saturday, nice blue sky and the Wildkogelbahn Neukirchen in the first rush past. Now only available at a few sleepy heads and those of the Week guests, already use the arrival of skiing. Ja, and we. Two luger of all the skiers and boarders. That we are the only ones with something bulky sports equipment, is not the reason for tingling in the pit of my stomach. But, that we now want the "world's longest toboggan run in the try". Crazy? Ja, maybe a little crazAndyou have to be already, order to establish a track. But on the other hand,, a good publicity stunt, the entry in the Guinness book of records already. Who knows?, whether we would be here today, if this track record would not be on everyone's lips?

Long before the start


These thoughts run through my head, while I let myself be pushed forward steadily in the crowd. As we sit in the first six gondola, however, I enjoy the view down at the Salzach valley and on the other side of the valley over the Tauern valleys. Well, okay! Of course it is already banned comfortably, to drive a sleigh ride with the gondola and just not good to go up the slide for Serpentine Serpentine. But the Wildkogel-run is not just any train, but the world's longest (I already said, or?) and there is probably no one expected, that his sleigh is almost 14 Km uphill moves! The feeling is so amazing anyway, I would stay after the second section and prefer to sit down again- and then go up. But on 2100 Once meter is concluded with the amenities. On the sunny terrace at the top station and Kogel-Mogel Kinderland's passes to the large information board. There it is also because, how it goes with us lugers: Right across, A short climb up onto the edge of the runway Pfeifferköpfl and from there down into the gorge before the Wildkogel, where after a short descent to Wildkogelhaus the first official track starts. All clear! Once again we see it in black and white, that we are on the way to the Guinness book-runners, and if we.


27 Meters have to be managed, always with an eye toward Großvenediger and Co. On Pfeifferköpfl we set ourselves for the first time on the sled and let the snow stieben. This is certainly the advantage of a "toboggan piste": She is well prepared and waiting times even if a flat piece, one still holds the speed. At the col, the Wildkogel we make a short stop. And now? Where to go next? About 100 Meters below us as just pointed the Wildkogel-house from the clouds, unfortunately, the last fifteen minutes are reared. There we go, the actual toboggan, until then we use the slope. So we make ourselves comfortable on the sled, pull the anoraks to the chin, Slide the headband and cap over his ears and – huii! What is for skiers usually a very pleasant hill, can be a challenge even for sledders. Finally, you can take the

Toboggan yes no arcs, unless, which are given by the Railway. We are not the only, steeper section where this hellishly fun. Beside us is a small road Stöpsl, Mum and dad left behind sovereign and has his red Bob rushes after a skier.

Begin, when others stop

»War cool«, we hear the little ones a few minutes later summed up his impressions, than the rest of the family caught up with him at the start of the track again. Even the couple, zooms in on one of the Leihrodel comes and has in some places only runner with a ground contact, seems to enjoy the rollercoaster ride. Meanwhile, we are no longer the only. From 14 Clock


provides the Wildkogelbahn to a special tariff luger, is well accepted. The Wildkogelhaus on 2000 Meters. »So, Some would toboggan' Now to end. A hundred and thirty meters, Although this is not much, but not unusual for a toboggan run. "Well, and for us it is only happening now! Down to Bramberg, where the fun is over, There are still about 1200 Altitude. The first section we see from Wildkogelhaus: a long cozy up to a ridge traverse across, behind the further course is not visible. What from a distance looks a bit flat, then runs it surprisingly well. The wide track with the newly installed lighting allows for night owls still the way down into the Salzach. To 22 Clock is illuminated, the distance. The overall expansion of the railway was 2005 completed and cost the two communities and Neukirchen Bramberg a six-figure sum €. At least one snow cat is the entire width. Juxtaposition, hintereinan­der, times with a pause, then again in the brisk pace it goes down. Und hinun­ter. And down. Of course, we lose height, we look at the opposing peaks. But if we look into the valley, it is clear: The toboggan run is still far from over. In vie­len, many serpentine meanders down the track. Anyone who has mastered the runway section of the Charter for the official launch Wildkogel, will have no problems on the actual track; it runs very good-natured.

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Tags train uphill Bramberg good the world en Engineering Gron High Altitude to Tingle Kufe M Lunchtime munde Neukirche Neukirchen Pfeifferköpfl Toboggan run Tobogganist Salzachtal Nick Sleigh Serpentine Skier Fun Start Clock World Wildkogel house- Wildkogelbahn Wildkogelhaus


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